Showing all 6 results
Tomato Sauce Topped with Chee e, Artichoke, Mu hroom , Smoked Turkey, Black Olive and Oregano /
Tomato Sauce Topped with Chee e, Shrimp , Squid, Oy ter, Fi h Fillet and Green Bell Pepper /
Tomato auce Topped with Chee e, Mu hroom, Olive Oil and Oregano / صلصة البندورة,
Tomato Sauce Topped with Chee e and Oregano / صلصة البندورة, جبنة, زعتر
Tomato Sauce Topped with Chee e, Onion, Mu hroom , Olive , Zucchini, Green Bell Pepper and Oregano
Tomato Sauce Topped with Chee e, Pepperoni and Oregano / صلصة البندورة, جبنة,